Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Internet resource guide

Brief History of the Salem Witch Trials

Causes for the Outbreak of Witchcraft Hysteria in Salem

Famous American Trials: Salem Witchcraft Trials 1692

The Jonathan Corwin House also known as The Witch House

National Geographic: Salem Witchcraft Hysteria

Salem Witch Museum

Salem Witch Trials Documentary Archive and Transcript Project

Salem Witch Trials Memorial

Secrets of the Dead: Salem Witch Trials Interactive Map

Secrets of the Dead: Salem Witch Trials Video Clips from Witch Trials

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Mary Rowlandson, The Narrative of the Captivity and the Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson (1682)

Goody Corey asked Deliverance Trembly to her house to read the bible as well as a newly published account of life on the frontier.  Deliverance is asked to read the Narrative of the Captivity and the Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson (1682)  which accounts one frontier womans and her three children experience as  captives of Native American tribe. 

Read the entire original text on Project Gutenberg's website.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Why is Deliverance "walking in dread?"

Why is Deliverance Trembley’s story titled
I Walk in Dread?


What was Mem’s dowry when she married Darcy Cooper?

Who would you believe?

Why do you believe the villagers believed the afflicted girls over the denial of the accused women?

"The affliction"

What was “the affliction?” Who were the first afflicted girls, and how did they behave?

Devils all around

In her 30
th of January diary entry, Liv writes about an angry exchange between Goody Corey and Mem. When Mem called the Indians “Devils,” Goody Corey explained they were just men who had a different belief about what it means to own land.  Reread that entry. What was Goody Corey trying to get Mem to understand?

Fortune-telling with the venus glass

Describe the fortune-telling incident that Mem and Susannah engaged in using a “venus glass.” Why was Liv so upset
with them for making a venus glass?

Why is this considered witchcraft?

Recipe: Corned Beef and vegetable soup -p. 21

1.Rinse off the corned beef
2.Cover corned beef with water and simmer one hour.
3. Pour off the liquid and add boiling water to cover.
4. Simmer another 3 hours
5. Add 6 white onions and 4 small turnips, cook 30 minutes more.
6. Add 6 carrots and 7 potatoes and simmer 15 minutes
7. Add one head cabbage cut in 6 pieces (or use horseradish)
8. Cook until all is tender.

Why is Liv angry with her father?

Where does Deliverance (Liv) get her diary?

Liv finds her diary in an unusual place? Where does she find it? What are her thoughts about finding the diary?

What would you thoughts be about finding a diary in an unusual place?

January Selection: We will meet January 18th 3:45PM

I Walk in Dread
The Diary of Deliverance Trembley, Witness to the Salem Witch Trials,
Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1691
by Lisa Rowe Fraustino

In 1691 in Salem Village. Twelve year-old Deliverance (Liv) Trembley and her seventeen-year-old sister Remembrance (Mem) have come to live with their uncle after the death of their parents. Soon after their arrival, their uncle goes off to seek his fortune, leaving the girls to run the farm with the strict instructions
that they are to tell no one of his absence. The girls busy themselves tending the animals and trading eggs and apples. Liv writes in her diary, “We are well able to take care of ourselves; that is not the problem.  The problem is the villagers, who would not approve, and might condemn our uncle, and remove us from his care.” Liv and Mem are able to hide the fact that they are alone, though Liv worries that they might be punished for lying. She also is concerned that they might be
cursed by offering shelter and food to a homeless woman, Sarah Goode, who is rumored to be a witch.

When Mem becomes ill, many villagers come to the house bringing food and home remedies. When a small child asks of Mem, “When is she going to scream blasphemies?”  both girls are shocked. They soon learn that the visitors believe Mem is afflicted, like two girls in the village who are “contorting their bodies
into unnatural positions and uttering terrible sounds that mostly make no sense.” Liv, who has already worried over the cause of Mem’s illness, feels a “sense of doom.” She writes, “Something terrible is going to happen in Salem Village. I can feel it in my bones, as surely as the caterpillar can feel a long winter coming.”

Mem recovers, but the girls in the village do not. When the doctor is unable to find a physical cause for their affliction, he says “the Evil Hand” is on them. The villagers, looking for someone to blame, accuse Sarah Goode and two others of being witches and doing the Devil’s work. The women are arrested and brought before a public examination. Even though they declare their innocence, the majority of the villagers do not believe them. Soon, more girls become afflicted, and more people are accused, including Martha Corey, an intelligent and outspoken woman.  Liv wonders, “Why does the crowd still choose to hear the voices of the
girls instead of the voice of reason?”

Meanwhile, the landlord threatens to evict Liv and Mem if they cannot pay the rent on the farm. Since it appears that their uncle might never return, Liv writes of the trouble to their older brother Benjamin, who returns to be with them. Mem, who is being courted by Darcy Cooper from Haver’il, accepts his marriage
proposal. The whole family plans to move. Liv joyously writes, “Darcy will arrive in the morning with the big wagon, and we will load it up and
be gone from this place, not a moment too soon. Thank you, God. Thank you!”

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

For your first journal entry please write about diary...

Begin a diary for one of the people in Washington's army starting the day the troops marched in to Valley Forge. What rank did your soldier hold? Is he an adult or a young boy? Does he have a wife or mother with him? Where is he from? Have him tell about the war and the winter from the soldier's viewpoint. Pass the diary on to other members of your class so that they can continue the soldier's entries.

History lesson...

The author of The Winter of Red Snow, Kristiana Gregory, put in lots of details about life in Valley Forge in 1777 and 1778 from powdering wigs to making cakes with forty eggs. What are two or three things you discovered about life in the late 1770s?

Can you imagine?

Abigail has sympathy for the American soldiers suffering at Valley Forge. She also mentions several times that she dislikes the Army and wants them to leave Valley Forge. What are some of the things the Army did that Abigail disliked?

Martha Washington's Great Cake (p.72)

Great Cake  (Shown 1/4th Actual Size!)
Take 40 eggs and divide the whites from the yolks and beat them to a froth. Then work 4 pounds of butter to a cream and put the whites of eggs to it a Spoon full at a time till it is well work'd. Then put 4 pounds of sugar finely powdered to it in the same manner then put in the Yolks of eggs and 5 pounds of flour and 5 pounds of fruit. 2 hours will bake it. Add to it half an ounce of mace and nutmeg half a pint of wine and some fresh brandy.

Modern adaptation of recipe:
In making Martha Washington's famed cake, Mount Vernon's curatorial staff followed Mrs. Washington's recipe almost exactly. Where the recipe called for 5 pounds of fruit, without specifying which ones, 2 pounds of raisins, 1 pound of currants, and 2 pounds of apples were used. The wine used was cream sherry. Since no pan large enough was available to hold all the batter, two 14 layers were made and stacked (note: the original was one single tall layer). The layers were baked in a 350 degree oven for 1.5 hours. Should be iced with a very stiff egg-white based icing, flavored with rosewater or orange-flower water.

Check out the other recipes from George Washington's Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens website at

Friday, September 16, 2011

Fraternizing with the enemy

There are several instances in the book where the Redcoats associate with Colonial Americans.  In what ways does this happen? How are Colonial Americans divided on the subject of "the Redcoats"?

Recipe: Onion Soup (p.36)

4 large onions
2 quarts milk
2 large scoops of butter
salt & pepper

1. Slice onions
2. In a small pot, mix all ingredients together until boiling. 
3. Reduce heat and cook until the onions are tender.
4. In tea cup, beat 1 egg, spoon a bit of hot soup into it, beat some more, then pour it back into the pot.
5. Cook 10 more minutes or so.  6. Serve with brown bread and baked apples.

Recipe: Eggnog

Non-Alcoholic - child friendly recipe
6 egg yolks
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
2 cups milk
l cup half and half (or milk, for lighter nog)
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 pint superpremium vanilla ice cream
  1. Whisk together the egg yolks, sugar, and nutmeg in a large bowl.
  2. In a medium saucepan over medium heat, heat the milk until it steams.
  3. Pour some of the hot milk over the egg mixture and whisk (this keeps the eggs from scrambling), then scrape this egg mixture into the saucepan with the rest of the milk and cook over medium-low heat, whisking constantly, until it thickens a bit, about 10 minutes (or reads 165º to 175º on a candy thermometer).
  4. Remove from the heat and stir in the half and half and vanilla extract, then pour the mixture through a strainer into a clean bowl.
  5. Add the ice cream, and stir until melted. Cover and chill at least 1 hour, then stir before serving. Garnish with nutmeg. Makes 12 servings.

General George Washington

Based on Abigail Jane Stewart's journal, she met General George Washington several times.  How would you describe him?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What is the "Dear America" Book Club

The "Dear America" book club is a historical fiction book club that will focus on reading and discussing the Dear America and My Name is America book series'.  Each book is written, in journal form, from the perspective of a boy or girl living during a significant enent or time period in America History.  The book club will cover books ranging from the Lewis and Clark Expedition to the Revolutionary War, the California Gold Rush to the Vietnam War. 

Parents and guardians are strongly encouraged to participate.  By talking with your children about these book, some times covering sensitive topics along with journaling, your child will gain valuable insight into American History as well as be able to reflect how the past influenced the present.

The club is for both boys and girls.

A "journal" will be provided for those children that participate.

We will meet the second Monday of each month unless scheduling conflicts arise. 

The target age group is 8-12. 

Questions, suggested readings, craft projects and recipes will be posted which correspond to the text. 

Copies of the book will be available for pick up at the Children's Room Reference Desk at the Palisades Library. 

The Winter of Red Snow: Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, 1777

Eleven-year-old Abigail Jane Stewart, along with her family, friends and neighbors discover the joys and sorrows of war during the winter of 1777, when General George Washington makes camp at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.    In her journal, Abigail documents the birth of her brother, life with the soldiers, a sometimes silly General George Washington, as well as a generous and caring Martha Washington.